Oncology - Q1 Journal list

List of all Q1 Journals (WOS-IF) in the category “Oncology”

Here is the example of WOS dataset downloaded from the Journal Citation Reports. Filters were;
Categories: Oncology
JCR Year: 2020 (Up-to-date list)
Citation indexes: SCIE, ESCI

Original dataset includes 314 rows and 20 columns. Only 243 are indexed in SCIE, and remaining 71 journals are in ESCI index.

Original dataset

Table 1: An example of WOS dataset (6 random rows)
journal_name jcr_abbreviation issn e_issn category total_citations x2020_jif jif_quartile x2020_jci percent_of_oa_gold x5_year_jif jif_without_self_cites immediacy_index normalized_eigenfactor eigenfactor article_influence_score jif_percentile total_articles percent_of_articles_in_citable_items citable_items
Cancer Radiotherapie CANCER RADIOTHER 1278-3218 1769-6658 ONCOLOGY - SCIE 964 1.018 Q4 0.25 0.29% 0.929 0.773 0.414 0.219 0.001 0.180 2.69 63 54.31% 116,
Experimental Hematology & Oncology EXP HEMATOL ONCOL NA 2162-3619 ONCOLOGY - SCIE 891 5.133 Q2 0.75 100% 3.740 4.867 1.094 0.276 0.001 0.830 64.26 19 59.38% 32,
Liver Cancer LIVER CANCER 2235-1795 1664-5553 ONCOLOGY - SCIE 1579 11.740 Q1 1.57 98.98% 9.024 10.380 2.250 0.586 0.003 2.155 91.12 41 85.42% 48,
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY-CANCER CLINICAL TRIALS AM J CLIN ONCOL-CANC 0277-3732 1537-453X ONCOLOGY - SCIE 5263 2.339 Q4 0.50 2.06% 2.831 2.305 0.957 1.118 0.005 0.790 10.95 125 90.58% 138,
Journal of Breast Imaging J BREAST IMAGING 2631-6110 2631-6129 ONCOLOGY - ESCI 97 NA NA 0.27 2.54% NA NA 0.565 0.041 0.000 0.384 NA 56 81.16% 69,
World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology WORLD J GASTRO ONCOL 1948-5204 1948-5204 ONCOLOGY - SCIE 1922 3.393 Q3 0.50 96.6% 3.519 3.333 0.548 0.562 0.003 0.742 32.44 95 82.61% 115,

Full list

Professor of Surgery

An academic who engaged in the improvement of scientific methodology/products, and more importantly in the development of the people those who produce science.
