TUS 2023 II.Dönem Sonuçları (Kurum Bazında)

Kurum bazında branşların MIN-MAX puanları

Kurum spesifik sonuçları görmek için;

Üniversiteler için: Üniversiteler,
Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastaneleri için: Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastaneleri,
Şehir Hastaneleri için: Şehir Hastaneleri
sayfalarına gidebilirsiniz.

Merak edenler kodları görmek isterse de Outputs sayfasına; ya da GitHub sayfasına gidebilirsiniz.

Veriler ÖSYM sayfasından .pdf dosyası olarak alınıp, R yazılımı ile düzenlenmiştir. Orjinal veri dosyasında Genel/Yabancı Uyruklu ayrımı bazı merkezler için hatalı yazılmıştır. Daha yüksek kontenjanı olan satırın doğru olduğu varsayılarak diğer satır dışlanmıştır.

Veri seti ile ilgili farklı bir değerlendirme isterseniz Twitter üzerinden ya da iletişim formu ile ulaşabilirsiniz.

Yabancı Uyruklu kontenjanları verilere dahil edilmemiştir.

p.s.: Çıktılar tek tek kontrol edilmemiştir.

R Codes

Import libraries

#| label: Import libraries

# Define the required package names
packages <- c("tidyverse", 

# Function to check, install, and load packages
load_packages <- function(packages) {
  for (package in packages) {
    if (!require(package, character.only = TRUE)) {
        library(package, character.only = TRUE)
    } else {
      suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(package, character.only = TRUE))
        # library(package, character.only = TRUE)


Clean dataset

kadro_tus_init <- kadro_tus %>%
  separate_rows(value, sep = "\n") %>%
  mutate(value = str_squish(value)) %>%
  filter(value != "") %>%
  mutate(value = str_remove_all(value, " dipnot \\d")) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(value, "Kontenjan|2023-TUS")) %>%
  extract(value, into = c("kurum", "b"), "(.*)/(.*)") %>%
  extract(b, into = c("brans", "tur", "d"), "(.*)(Yabancı Uyruklu|Genel)(.*)") %>%
    d = str_trim(d),
    brans = str_trim(brans)
  ) %>%
  separate(d, into = c("kontenjan", "yerlesen", "bos", "min", "max"), sep = " ") %>%
  separate(kurum, into = c("number", "kurum"), sep = "^\\d+\\s") %>%
  select(-number) %>%
    kurum = str_replace_all(kurum, "Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi", "SBÜ"),
    kurum = str_replace_all(kurum, "Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi", "EAH"),
    kurum = str_replace_all(kurum, "Tıp Fakültesi", "Tıp F"),
    kurum = str_remove_all(kurum, " \\(ANKARA\\)"),
    kurum = str_remove_all(kurum, " \\(İSTANBUL\\)"),
    kurum = str_remove_all(kurum, "Prof. Dr. Mazhar Osman"),
    kurum = str_remove_all(kurum, "Tayfur Ata Sökmen ")
  ) %>%
  mutate(across(min:max, ~ if_else(. == "--", NA_character_, .))) %>%
  mutate(across(min:max, ~ str_replace_all(., ",", "."))) %>%
  mutate(across(kontenjan:max, ~ as.numeric(.))) %>%
  mutate(across(min:max, ~ round(., 2))) %>%
    min = if_else(is.na(min), 0, min),
    doluluk = 100 * round(yerlesen / kontenjan, 2),
    kurum_title = if_else(!str_detect(kurum, "SBÜ|EAH"), str_to_title(kurum), kurum),
    equal_kucuk_puan = if_else(min != max, min, NA_real_)
  ) %>%
    tur == "Genel"
  ) %>%
    brans_title = str_to_title(brans),
    brans_title = str_replace_all(brans_title, "i̇", "i"),
    brans_title = str_replace_all(brans_title, "Hastaliklari", "Hastalıkları"),
    brans_title = str_replace_all(brans_title, "Kadin", "Kadın"),
    brans_title = str_replace_all(brans_title, "Sağliği", "Sağlığı"),
    brans_title = str_replace_all(brans_title, "Ve ", "ve "),
    brans_title = str_replace_all(brans_title, " Tip", " Tıp"),
    brans_title = str_replace_all(brans_title, "Tibbi ", "Tıbbi ")
  ) %>%
  filter(!str_detect(kurum, "Dr. Sami Ulus")) %>%               # Empty value, causes error in function
  filter(!str_detect(kurum, "Jandarma Genel Komutanlığı"))      # Empty value, causes error in function

Define random colors for each institute (darker color and its lighter version)

my_grays <- c("#C0C0C0", "#909090", "#696969", "#525252")
grid_color <- c("#E8E8E8")
empty_color <- c("#A12123")
some_empty_color <- c("#919498")
ktu_color <- c("#003B64", "#1B71AC") # I only know the KTU's official colors. If any database exist, would be great.

# Function to generate a random color in hex format
generate_random_hex_color <- function(seed) {
  # Set seed for reproducibility

  # Generate random values for red, green, and blue components
  red <- sprintf("%02X", sample(0:255, 1))
  green <- sprintf("%02X", sample(0:255, 1))
  blue <- sprintf("%02X", sample(0:255, 1))

  # Combine components into a hex color code
  hex_color <- paste0("#", red, green, blue)


# Function to generate dark and light versions of a color
generate_dark_light_colors <- function(base_color, dark_factor = 0.7, light_factor = 1.3) {
  # Convert the hexadecimal color to RGB values
  base_rgb <- col2rgb(base_color)

  # Calculate dark and light variations
  dark_rgb <- round(base_rgb * dark_factor)
  light_rgb <- round(base_rgb * light_factor)

  # Ensure values are within valid RGB range (0-255)
  dark_rgb <- pmax(0, pmin(255, dark_rgb))
  light_rgb <- pmax(0, pmin(255, light_rgb))

  # Convert RGB values back to hexadecimal
  dark_color <- rgb(dark_rgb[1], dark_rgb[2], dark_rgb[3], maxColorValue = 255)
  light_color <- rgb(light_rgb[1], light_rgb[2], light_rgb[3], maxColorValue = 255)

  return(list(dark_color = dark_color, light_color = light_color))

## Create color list

unique_kurums <- unique(kadro_tus_init$kurum)           # List of all institutes

num_colors <- length(unique_kurums)                     # required number of base colors
base_colors <- replicate(num_colors, generate_random_hex_color(seed = NULL), simplify = FALSE)

my_color_pallette <- map(base_colors, ~ {
  generated_colors <- generate_dark_light_colors(.x)

    random_base_color = .x,
    dark_color = generated_colors$dark_color,
    light_color = generated_colors$light_color

## Create institute df with color list

color_for_kurums <- list()

for (i in seq_along(my_color_pallette)) {
  kurum <- as_tibble(unique_kurums)[[1]][[i]]
  random_base_color <- my_color_pallette[[i]]$random_base_color
  dark_color <- my_color_pallette[[i]]$dark_color
  light_color <- my_color_pallette[[i]]$light_color

  single_kurum_df <- data.frame(kurum, random_base_color, dark_color, light_color)

  # Append the current data frame to the result list
  color_for_kurums[[i]] <- single_kurum_df

## Bind list and Change only KTU colors
color_for_kurums_df <- list_rbind(color_for_kurums) %>%
    random_base_color = if_else(kurum == "Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Tıp F", ktu_color[1], random_base_color),
    dark_color = if_else(kurum == "Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Tıp F", ktu_color[1], dark_color),
    light_color = if_else(kurum == "Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Tıp F", ktu_color[2], light_color)

Divide dataset into three part for Üniversite - EAH - Sehir Hastanesi

## To remove some errors in ÖSYM dataset
kadro_tus_init_colored <- kadro_tus_init %>% 
    group_by(brans, kurum) %>% 
    arrange(desc(kontenjan)) %>%
    slice(1) %>%
    ungroup() %>% 
  left_join(color_for_kurums_df, by = "kurum")

## Define sub datasets for Top, EAH, Şehir Hastanesi

data_uni <- kadro_tus_init_colored %>% 
  filter(str_detect(kurum, "Tıp F"))

data_eah <- kadro_tus_init_colored %>% 
  filter(str_detect(kurum, " EAH"))

data_sehir <- kadro_tus_init_colored %>% 
  filter(str_detect(kurum, "Şehir Hastanesi"))

Custom FUNCTION to plot (Main plot)

func_tus_institute <- function(selected_dataset, my_institute) {
  clean_institute_2023 <- selected_dataset %>%
      kurum == {{ my_institute }}
    ) %>%
    group_by(brans) %>%
    arrange(desc(kontenjan)) %>%
    slice(1) %>%

  minmax_branch <- clean_institute_2023 %>%
    filter(min != 0) %>%
      min = min(min, na.rm = TRUE),
      max = max(max, na.rm = TRUE)

  doluluk_branch <- clean_institute_2023 %>%
      sum_kontenjan = sum(kontenjan, na.rm = TRUE),
      sum_yerlesen = sum(yerlesen, na.rm = TRUE)
    ) %>%
    mutate(doluluk = paste0("%", round(100 * sum_yerlesen / sum_kontenjan, 1)))

  lowest <- clean_institute_2023 %>%
    filter(min != 0) %>%
    arrange(min) %>%
    slice_head() %>%

  highest <- clean_institute_2023 %>%
    filter(min != 0) %>%
    arrange(desc(max)) %>%
    slice_head() %>%

  my_light_color <- clean_institute_2023 %>%
    slice_head() %>%
  my_dark_color <- clean_institute_2023 %>%
    slice_head() %>%

  my_title <- glue:::glue("TUS 2023/II - <span style='color:{my_dark_color};'>{my_institute}</span>")
  my_subtitle <- glue::glue("Doluluk: {doluluk_branch$doluluk} ({doluluk_branch$sum_yerlesen}/{doluluk_branch$sum_kontenjan})<br><br> 
                            En yüksek: **{highest}** ({minmax_branch$max})<br>")
  my_caption <- glue::glue("<i style='color:{my_dark_color}'>Ana Renk</i>: Kadrolar tam dolu<br>kaynak: ÖSYM<br>@AliGunerMD")

  institute_plot <- clean_institute_2023 %>%
    # ggplot(aes(kontenjan, yerlesen)) +
    # geom_point()
      color = case_when(
        doluluk == 100 ~ my_dark_color,
        doluluk == 0 ~ empty_color,
        TRUE ~ some_empty_color
      name = glue("<i style='color:{color}'>{brans_title}</i> ({yerlesen}\\/{kontenjan})"),
      mod_min = if_else(yerlesen == 0, -kontenjan, min + 100),
      name = fct_reorder(name, mod_min)
    ) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x = min, y = name, fill = color)) +
    geom_segment(aes(x = min, xend = max, y = name, yend = name), color = my_grays[3]) +
    geom_point(aes(x = min, y = name), color = ifelse(clean_institute_2023$doluluk == 100, my_light_color, my_grays[1]), size = 2.5) +
    geom_point(aes(x = max, y = name), color = ifelse(clean_institute_2023$doluluk == 100, my_dark_color, my_grays[2]), size = 3.5) +
    theme_light() +
    scale_x_continuous(limits = c(minmax_branch$min - 2, minmax_branch$max + 2), breaks = seq(40, 80, 5)) +
    geom_text(aes(x = max, y = name, label = max),
      hjust = -.5, size = 3,
      color = ifelse(clean_institute_2023$doluluk == 100, my_dark_color, my_grays[2])
    ) +
    geom_text(aes(x = equal_kucuk_puan, y = name, label = equal_kucuk_puan), hjust = 1.5, size = 2.5, color = ifelse(clean_institute_2023$doluluk == 100, my_dark_color, my_grays[2]), alpha = .7, check_overlap = TRUE) +
      x = "Puan",
      y = "",
      title = my_title,
      caption = my_caption,
      subtitle = my_subtitle
    ) +
      panel.grid = element_line(color = grid_color),
      panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
      # panel.grid.major.y = element_line(color = my_light_color, size = .1),
      panel.border = element_blank(),
      axis.text.y = element_markdown(face = "bold"),
      legend.position = "none",
      plot.caption = element_markdown(),
      plot.title.position = "plot",
      plot.title = element_markdown(hjust = .5, size = 14, face = "bold"),
      plot.subtitle = element_markdown(hjust = .5)

  # print(clean_institute_2023$kurum_title)       # used for debugging
  # print(highest)                                # used for debugging
  # print(lowest)                                 # used for debugging


Custom FUNCTION to use func_tus_institute() function for all DATASETS and all Institutes (and to save)

datasets <- list(
  data_sehir = data_sehir,
  data_eah = data_eah,
  data_uni = data_uni

# Create the main output folder
# output_folder <- "content/post/2023-11-25-tus-23-2-uni/Outputs_2023_2"    # to prepare
output_folder <- "Outputs_2023_2"                                           # to render

dir.create(output_folder, showWarnings = FALSE)

# Iterate over datasets
for (dataset_name in names(datasets)) {
  dataset <- datasets[[dataset_name]]

  # Create a folder for each dataset within the main output folder
  dataset_folder <- file.path(output_folder, dataset_name)
  dir.create(dataset_folder, showWarnings = FALSE)

  # Get unique values of 'kurum' in the current dataset
  institute_names <- distinct(dataset, kurum) %>%

  # Iterate over unique 'kurum' values
  for (institute in institute_names) {
    # Call the function for the current dataset and 'kurum' value
    institute_plot <- func_tus_institute(selected_dataset = dataset, my_institute = institute)

    # Save the plot in the 'kurum' folder
    plot_filename <- file.path(paste0(dataset_folder, "/", as.character(institute), ".jpg"))

    # to select save height dynamically
    no_brans <- dataset %>%
      filter(kurum == {{ institute }}) %>%
      distinct(brans) %>%

    my_height <- case_when(
      no_brans >= 30 ~ 12,
      no_brans >= 20 & no_brans < 30 ~ 11,
      no_brans >= 10 & no_brans < 20 ~ 10,
      no_brans >= 5 & no_brans < 10 ~ 6,
      no_brans < 5 ~ 4,
      TRUE ~ 11

    # Save plot
      file = plot_filename,
      plot = institute_plot,
      dpi = 300,
      width = 9,
      height = 11
Professor of Surgery

An academic who engaged in the improvement of scientific methodology/products, and more importantly in the development of the people those who produce science.
