TUS 2024 I.Dönem Sonuçları (Kurum Bazında)
Kurum bazında branşların MIN-MAX puanları
Kurum spesifik sonuçları görmek için;
Üniversiteler için: Üniversiteler,
Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastaneleri için: Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastaneleri,
Şehir Hastaneleri için: Şehir Hastaneleri
sayfalarına gidebilirsiniz.
Merak edenler kodları görmek isterse de Outputs sayfasına; ya da GitHub sayfasına gidebilirsiniz.
Veriler ÖSYM sayfasından .pdf dosyası olarak alınıp, R yazılımı ile düzenlenmiştir.
Veri seti ile ilgili farklı bir değerlendirme isterseniz Twitter üzerinden ya da iletişim formu ile ulaşabilirsiniz.
Yabancı Uyruklu kontenjanları verilere dahil edilmemiştir.
p.s.: Çıktılar tek tek kontrol edilmemiştir.
R Codes
Import libraries
#| label: Import libraries
# Define the required package names
packages <- c("tidyverse",
# Function to check, install, and load packages
load_packages <- function(packages) {
for (package in packages) {
if (!require(package, character.only = TRUE)) {
library(package, character.only = TRUE)
} else {
suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(package, character.only = TRUE))
# library(package, character.only = TRUE)
Import dataset from ÖSYM link
kadro_tus <- pdftools::pdf_text(pdf = here::here("datasets", "minmax_td03062024.pdf")) %>%
Clean dataset
kadro_tus_init <- kadro_tus %>%
separate_rows(value, sep = "\n") %>%
mutate(value = str_squish(value)) %>%
filter(value != "") %>%
mutate(value = str_remove_all(value, " dipnot \\d")) %>%
filter(!str_detect(value, "Kontenjan|2024-TUS")) %>%
extract(value, into = c("kurum", "b"), "(.*)/(.*)") %>%
extract(b, into = c("brans", "tur", "d"), "(.*)(Yabancı Uyruklu|Genel)(.*)") %>%
d = str_trim(d),
brans = str_trim(brans)
) %>%
separate(d, into = c("kontenjan", "yerlesen", "bos", "min", "max"), sep = " ") %>%
separate(kurum, into = c("number", "kurum"), sep = "^\\d+\\s") %>%
select(-number) %>%
kurum = str_replace_all(kurum, "Sağlık Bilimleri Üniversitesi", "SBÜ"),
kurum = str_replace_all(kurum, "Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesi", "EAH"),
kurum = str_replace_all(kurum, "Tıp Fakültesi", "Tıp F"),
kurum = str_remove_all(kurum, " \\(ANKARA\\)"),
kurum = str_remove_all(kurum, " \\(İSTANBUL\\)"),
kurum = str_remove_all(kurum, "Tayfur Ata Sökmen "),
kurum = str_remove_all(kurum, "Prof. Dr. ")
) %>%
mutate(across(min:max, ~ if_else(. == "--", NA_character_, .))) %>%
mutate(across(min:max, ~ str_replace_all(., ",", "."))) %>%
mutate(across(kontenjan:max, ~ as.numeric(.))) %>%
mutate(across(min:max, ~ round(., 2))) %>%
min = if_else(is.na(min), 0, min),
doluluk = 100 * round(yerlesen / kontenjan, 2),
kurum_title = if_else(!str_detect(kurum, "SBÜ|EAH"), str_to_title(kurum), kurum),
equal_kucuk_puan = if_else(min != max, min, NA_real_)
) %>%
tur == "Genel"
) %>%
brans_title = str_to_title(brans),
brans_title = str_replace_all(brans_title, "i̇", "i"),
brans_title = str_replace_all(brans_title, "Hastaliklari", "Hastalıkları"),
brans_title = str_replace_all(brans_title, "Kadin", "Kadın"),
brans_title = str_replace_all(brans_title, "Sağliği", "Sağlığı"),
brans_title = str_replace_all(brans_title, "Ve ", "ve "),
brans_title = str_replace_all(brans_title, " Tip", " Tıp"),
brans_title = str_replace_all(brans_title, "Tibbi ", "Tıbbi ")
) %>%
filter(!str_detect(kurum, "Dr. Sami Ulus")) %>% # Empty value, causes error in function
filter(!str_detect(kurum, "Jandarma Genel Komutanlığı")) %>% # Empty value, causes error in function
filter(!str_detect(kurum, "Giresun Kadın Doğum ve Çocuk")) # Empty value, causes error in function
Define random colors for each institute (darker color and its lighter version)
my_grays <- c("#C0C0C0", "#909090", "#696969", "#525252")
grid_color <- c("#E8E8E8")
empty_color <- c("#A12123")
some_empty_color <- c("#919498")
ktu_color <- c("#003B64", "#1B71AC") # I only know the KTU's official colors. If any database exist, would be great.
# Function to generate a random color in hex format
generate_random_hex_color <- function(seed) {
# Set seed for reproducibility
# Generate random values for red, green, and blue components
red <- sprintf("%02X", sample(0:255, 1))
green <- sprintf("%02X", sample(0:255, 1))
blue <- sprintf("%02X", sample(0:255, 1))
# Combine components into a hex color code
hex_color <- paste0("#", red, green, blue)
# Function to generate dark and light versions of a color
generate_dark_light_colors <- function(base_color, dark_factor = 0.7, light_factor = 1.3) {
# Convert the hexadecimal color to RGB values
base_rgb <- col2rgb(base_color)
# Calculate dark and light variations
dark_rgb <- round(base_rgb * dark_factor)
light_rgb <- round(base_rgb * light_factor)
# Ensure values are within valid RGB range (0-255)
dark_rgb <- pmax(0, pmin(255, dark_rgb))
light_rgb <- pmax(0, pmin(255, light_rgb))
# Convert RGB values back to hexadecimal
dark_color <- rgb(dark_rgb[1], dark_rgb[2], dark_rgb[3], maxColorValue = 255)
light_color <- rgb(light_rgb[1], light_rgb[2], light_rgb[3], maxColorValue = 255)
return(list(dark_color = dark_color, light_color = light_color))
## Create color list
unique_kurums <- unique(kadro_tus_init$kurum) # List of all institutes
num_colors <- length(unique_kurums) # required number of base colors
base_colors <- replicate(num_colors, generate_random_hex_color(seed = NULL), simplify = FALSE)
my_color_pallette <- map(base_colors, ~ {
generated_colors <- generate_dark_light_colors(.x)
random_base_color = .x,
dark_color = generated_colors$dark_color,
light_color = generated_colors$light_color
## Create institute df with color list
color_for_kurums <- list()
for (i in seq_along(my_color_pallette)) {
kurum <- as_tibble(unique_kurums)[[1]][[i]]
random_base_color <- my_color_pallette[[i]]$random_base_color
dark_color <- my_color_pallette[[i]]$dark_color
light_color <- my_color_pallette[[i]]$light_color
single_kurum_df <- data.frame(kurum, random_base_color, dark_color, light_color)
# Append the current data frame to the result list
color_for_kurums[[i]] <- single_kurum_df
## Bind list and Change only KTU colors
color_for_kurums_df <- list_rbind(color_for_kurums) %>%
random_base_color = if_else(kurum == "Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Tıp F", ktu_color[1], random_base_color),
dark_color = if_else(kurum == "Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Tıp F", ktu_color[1], dark_color),
light_color = if_else(kurum == "Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Tıp F", ktu_color[2], light_color)
Divide dataset into three part for Üniversite - EAH - Sehir Hastanesi
## To remove some errors in ÖSYM dataset
kadro_tus_init_colored <- kadro_tus_init %>%
group_by(brans, kurum) %>%
arrange(desc(kontenjan)) %>%
slice(1) %>%
ungroup() %>%
left_join(color_for_kurums_df, by = "kurum")
## Define sub datasets for Top, EAH, Şehir Hastanesi
data_uni <- kadro_tus_init_colored %>%
filter(str_detect(kurum, "Tıp F"))
data_eah <- kadro_tus_init_colored %>%
filter(str_detect(kurum, " EAH"))
data_sehir <- kadro_tus_init_colored %>%
filter(str_detect(kurum, "Şehir Hastanesi"))
Custom FUNCTION to plot (Main plot)
func_tus_institute <- function(selected_dataset, my_institute) {
clean_institute_2024 <- selected_dataset %>%
kurum == {{ my_institute }}
) %>%
group_by(brans) %>%
arrange(desc(kontenjan)) %>%
slice(1) %>%
minmax_branch <- clean_institute_2024 %>%
filter(min != 0) %>%
min = min(min, na.rm = TRUE),
max = max(max, na.rm = TRUE)
doluluk_branch <- clean_institute_2024 %>%
sum_kontenjan = sum(kontenjan, na.rm = TRUE),
sum_yerlesen = sum(yerlesen, na.rm = TRUE)
) %>%
mutate(doluluk = paste0("%", round(100 * sum_yerlesen / sum_kontenjan, 1)))
lowest <- clean_institute_2024 %>%
filter(min != 0) %>%
arrange(min) %>%
slice_head() %>%
highest <- clean_institute_2024 %>%
filter(min != 0) %>%
arrange(desc(max)) %>%
slice_head() %>%
my_light_color <- clean_institute_2024 %>%
slice_head() %>%
my_dark_color <- clean_institute_2024 %>%
slice_head() %>%
my_title <- glue:::glue("TUS 2024/I - <span style='color:{my_dark_color};'>{my_institute}</span>")
my_subtitle <- glue::glue("Doluluk: {doluluk_branch$doluluk} ({doluluk_branch$sum_yerlesen}/{doluluk_branch$sum_kontenjan})<br><br>
En yüksek: **{highest}** ({minmax_branch$max})<br>")
my_caption <- glue::glue("<i style='color:{my_dark_color}'>Ana Renk</i>: Kadrolar tam dolu<br>kaynak: ÖSYM<br>@AliGunerMD")
institute_plot <- clean_institute_2024 %>%
# ggplot(aes(kontenjan, yerlesen)) +
# geom_point()
color = case_when(
doluluk == 100 ~ my_dark_color,
doluluk == 0 ~ empty_color,
TRUE ~ some_empty_color
name = glue("<i style='color:{color}'>{brans_title}</i> ({yerlesen}\\/{kontenjan})"),
mod_min = if_else(yerlesen == 0, -kontenjan, min + 100),
name = fct_reorder(name, mod_min)
) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = min, y = name, fill = color)) +
geom_segment(aes(x = min, xend = max, y = name, yend = name), color = my_grays[3]) +
geom_point(aes(x = min, y = name), color = ifelse(clean_institute_2024$doluluk == 100, my_light_color, my_grays[1]), size = 2.5) +
geom_point(aes(x = max, y = name), color = ifelse(clean_institute_2024$doluluk == 100, my_dark_color, my_grays[2]), size = 3.5) +
theme_light() +
scale_x_continuous(limits = c(minmax_branch$min - 2, minmax_branch$max + 2), breaks = seq(40, 80, 5)) +
geom_text(aes(x = max, y = name, label = max),
hjust = -.5, size = 3,
color = ifelse(clean_institute_2024$doluluk == 100, my_dark_color, my_grays[2])
) +
geom_text(aes(x = equal_kucuk_puan, y = name, label = equal_kucuk_puan), hjust = 1.5, size = 2.5, color = ifelse(clean_institute_2024$doluluk == 100, my_dark_color, my_grays[2]), alpha = .7, check_overlap = TRUE) +
x = "Puan",
y = "",
title = my_title,
caption = my_caption,
subtitle = my_subtitle
) +
panel.grid = element_line(color = grid_color),
panel.grid.minor.x = element_blank(),
# panel.grid.major.y = element_line(color = my_light_color, size = .1),
panel.border = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_markdown(face = "bold"),
legend.position = "none",
plot.caption = element_markdown(),
plot.title.position = "plot",
plot.title = element_markdown(hjust = .5, size = 14, face = "bold"),
plot.subtitle = element_markdown(hjust = .5)
# print(clean_institute_2024$kurum_title) # used for debugging
# print(highest) # used for debugging
# print(lowest) # used for debugging
Custom FUNCTION to use func_tus_institute() function for all DATASETS and all Institutes (and to save)
datasets <- list(
data_sehir = data_sehir,
data_eah = data_eah,
data_uni = data_uni
# Create the main output folder
# output_folder <- "content/post/2024-06-04-tus-24-1-uni/Outputs_2024_1" # to prepare
output_folder <- "Outputs_2024_1" # to render
dir.create(output_folder, showWarnings = FALSE)
# Iterate over datasets
for (dataset_name in names(datasets)) {
dataset <- datasets[[dataset_name]]
# Create a folder for each dataset within the main output folder
dataset_folder <- file.path(output_folder, dataset_name)
dir.create(dataset_folder, showWarnings = FALSE)
# Get unique values of 'kurum' in the current dataset
institute_names <- distinct(dataset, kurum) %>%
# Iterate over unique 'kurum' values
for (institute in institute_names) {
# Call the function for the current dataset and 'kurum' value
institute_plot <- func_tus_institute(selected_dataset = dataset, my_institute = institute)
# Save the plot in the 'kurum' folder
plot_filename <- file.path(paste0(dataset_folder, "/", as.character(institute), ".jpg"))
# to select save height dynamically
no_brans <- dataset %>%
filter(kurum == {{ institute }}) %>%
distinct(brans) %>%
my_height <- case_when(
no_brans >= 30 ~ 12,
no_brans >= 20 & no_brans < 30 ~ 11,
no_brans >= 10 & no_brans < 20 ~ 10,
no_brans >= 5 & no_brans < 10 ~ 6,
no_brans < 5 ~ 4,
TRUE ~ 11
# Save plot
file = plot_filename,
plot = institute_plot,
dpi = 300,
width = 9,
height = 11